I have lots of recipes and I enjoy trying new recipes but I only keep the ones my family approves of. I decided one day to put my recipes where they are more organized and I can access them anywhere. I don't have fun pictures to go along with the recipes and hopefully one day I will, but between dancing around our dog and 3 small children, I only have time to cook and then get the food on the table.

Many of my recipes have come from amazing friends and family that where nice enough to share, and I have given them props for it. So if you find something you like please just give props to the appropriate person.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Marinara Sauce

I recieved this recipe the summer of 2011 from a neighbor, Melissa, who was canning it. My husband thought this recipe was amazing so we proceeded to can this sauce and have loved every bite of it. The recipe orginally came from Mat Mcbride who also lives in the neighborhood and he received it while on his mission in Italy.

This recipe is to fill one stock pot full of sauce

Tomatoes, run them through a juice press to get rid of the seeds and skins. (Roma are best but whatever you have works.

Sautee onions, garlic in the butter until the onions are translucent.
1 1/2 - 2 Yellow or White onions
2 Tbls garlic
2 Tbls butter
2 Tbls basil
2 Tbls oregano
Balsamic Vinegar, Swirl in pan 2 times.

Boil down to half and the sauce is thick and the water has boiled out. You will need to stir periodically and be aware this will make a mess as it splatters, so you might want a shield for your pan. A lid works for a while but as it gets closer to half you need to take the lid off so the moisture leaves.

Add 1 1/2 tsp Salt and 1 Tbls Sugar to taste, add more until it doesn't taste earthy.

Eat an enjoy or fill jars and process in a canner.

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